Suhasini Suresh
3 min readMay 28, 2024


So recently the topic of LGBTQ has popped up quite a few times in conversations around me so I thought I’d give my two cents on it on a forum that I’m actually comfortable on.

Before I begin, just know that these thoughts and opinions are solely my own and you may not agree with me so please refrain from judgement, or stop here if you think you won’t be able to refrain. Thank you!

Moving on, I’ve noticed that most people have reservations speaking about the LGBTQIA+ community due to the massive amounts of stigma surrounding it. Let me start by saying, I am an ally and will always be an ally as I have seen the real-life struggles this community faces which I don’t think is fair at all. That being said, the things I have heard being said about the community just doesn’t sit well with me at all. So many people look at lesbians and gays and mock them for being “unnatural” and cite that they have a “disease of the mind”.

Let me ask you something, would someone voluntarily choose to be different from the norm, given that others would continuously mock and shame them for being that way? If your answer was no, then why mock someone for being born a certain way? If you honestly think that a person of the PRIDE community is not born that way, then why shame them for being conditioned to feel they should act that way? I strongly believe that we have a right to live however we choose to live and that judgement on others is a reflection of your own poor character.

If you are strongly devout and have an ethical and moral compass driven by religion, then I completely understand if you choose not to be an ally. However, you can still choose to reserve judgement on others and move on with your own lives.

Some of my closest friends growing up have come out as lesbians, bisexuals or gay and I have watched first-hand how they struggle to live a normal life. They choose not to date as people constantly judge them for who they choose to date. They have to be extremely careful of their dressing choice in order not to “offend” others. They also sometimes have to hide their quirky and fun personalities so that they can be accepted by the norm. They can NEVER marry in several countries. This is the “so-called” norm that the rest of us have defined for them. If you had a brother or sister suffering the same in silence, would you not defend them? Please remember that what is morally wrong or right is defined by mere humans and we can still choose to at least make it a better place for others.

So, if you know of a person who falls into the rainbow spectrum, maybe try to think about your actions towards them for a moment and be kinder? You don’t have to follow or respect their lifestyles but the least you could do is prevent from mocking or shaming them for the way they choose to live. Let us all live in harmony, and enjoy the diversity of being humans. After all, no two of us can be the same, can we? Thanks for reading and hopefully you were not offended by the end of this. If you were, that’s a reflection of your true nature, I suppose.



Suhasini Suresh

A women in technology hoping to make an impact through writing